Rock on ! ;)
Track me :D
Fairy_x are you on ?? :)
Ziggy is back !!!!
Little where are you? :)
is yhanz online?

- update by deliciouzz -

So ya Bye guys!
Lots Of Chobots are sad that items are gone But we all had the time 2 buy anything! and also this means lots of new or rare Clothes and Hoverboards will Come! so ya Bye guys!
i made so many pics and now finaly all are uploaded so i can show you :D
we start with the chlos party :D ( no there was no rain - we just had fun )
and today was mod magic in the streets
also i promised to show u how the new magic works
thx to tofu who bought it :)
and last:
new wallpapers available:

did u just notice that its similar to this :
Main Blog Post about updates
what do u think??
i think its the nicho planet lol
So ya that was it Sorry if u missed it (Dont worry)! Also there was lots of Agents Begging for rain! so ya bye guys!
P.s. There was also some Cool Fireworks! (Sorry I was 2 laggy for the pics)

i always wish there would be a beach!
i think thats gonna be my fav place in chobots :D
what do u think? - i love it
also u can play sweetbattle now on Kongregate
that means many new players
we should help them :)
my notebook has still errors but its working a bit :D
- update by deliciouzz - it costs 510 bugs :D - and when u use it u go backwards
It's Probalby Dedicated for MJ idk but its cool! And Also They Have Organized the Catalogs With the Junior Clothes 1st!
And Last Update is Citizen Agents have now a Big Blue Bubble Chat!
So ya that's it! Bye Guys!

Also He Made Himself HuGE! look at his Fire SHoes Fire!! this is not a edit! its Real!And Also he's 100! So if u see him Wish Him Happy B Day!
So ya it was Fun! Bye guys!

Then it Turned Purple and Nichos Where attacking us! (I was Scared)The Nichos Were taking our chobots!
But then Our Vayer-Cow Came and gave us some Strength to Defeat the nichos! And Jessie2000 Helped us Zapp them! Also i think my Anti-Nicho cream Helped 2!
And at the end the Chobots Won! YAY! it was sunny! (I got a tan) lol jk!
So ya it was awesome! Sorry if u missed it! And it didnt rain for all u rain people lol! So ya bye guys!
P.s. Warning Chobots The Nichos have not given up they may attack!

sry I'm a bit late with my stuff, but i have some notebook trouble.
I could log in on blogger oO
so - whats new?
well i went to chobots and i noticed that live star was full.
then i saw hiki was on
tofulad invited me (thx btw :D)
and i found an awesome party here are a few pics
also alot of u asked me to post my wardrobe ...
here it is:

ya i know alot stuff :D
15 hiki
30 peace
21 b boy
06 500 (alot already sold)
18 g girl
45 love
30 chlos
12 unity
14 iou
05 b girl
and more :D


Also there is a New Exclusive Rare Mimo Hoodie For New Users! To get one of these Hoodies Just Resgister at : Be Sure to put Invited by Mimo!
Also My Videos Have Been Added to Cinema (Chollywood) Thx Chobots! Here is a pic if u don't believe me :
So ya that's the Updates! Hoped i Could Help! Bye Guys!
R.I.P Chobots

October 2008 - August 2011 Tracker Tracker
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Blog Archive
- Contest Winners!
- Tell the Mistakes Contest!
- Canab is a Star!
- NEW Tshirt at Vayerman Party!
- first new item!
- Clothes Gone!
- i have some pics for u ;)
- Smurfet's 200 Followers Party!
- Updates part 2 :D
- Vayerman shows us some infos for updates!
- Cool new Updates!
- Chlos Fun!
- Nicho's vs Chobots Party Report!
- Pendul1's Funny Story!
- U wanna see more of Nelly?
- I got news for u guys :)
- Rainbow Party Report!
- Zig's Back!
- weird Party report
- my 3rd vid - enjoy!
- Party at Cafe
- Lara is Cheating?!
- Updates!
- Winner is!
- Its out now
- Where's Zig Contest!
- Chopix and how u find those spys
- 6 new Agents!
- Hiki Shirt!
- New Updates!
- new suits and finaly u meet Nelly :D
- New item For Girls!
- there is a mod room ??
- Hiki Is Back!
- our winner of "welcome home hiki" contest is : .....
- Hiki is comin back on monday!
- Party Pics of my 200 Partys :D
- 0 Party Review!
- Jessie2000 a Mod!
- Deliciouzz's Party Video!
- my 200 bday :D
- Deli Drew me!
- Happy 100th Birthday Ziggy :D
- some news and ... :D
- my first video try
- Tiny litte Zig!
- My Videos!
- Happy 4th July
- Chobots is gettin ready for 4th july
- Deli's Floating Furniture!
- a cute poem about me :D
- new item for 6 month citizen
- email from tina :D
- late entry about tinas party from yesterday