Rock on ! ;)
Track me :D
Fairy_x are you on ?? :)
Ziggy is back !!!!
Little where are you? :)
is yhanz online?
Questions asked by bube07,
bube07: how did you make that play chobots underthe
tracker oz ziggys?
deliciouzz: well thats easy to make, just design a
picture for example ur playercard upload it for example on photobucket get the
image link and put it in a HTML editor and put a link on it. An easier way to
that is it when u find a page which creates banner ( just write in the picture
link and where the picture should link to ) i have such a link but its german
and i dont know if you would understand it :)
bube07: and how did you
make those pages ?
deliciouzz: its just a simple blog by
blogspot. I have just installed a new template ( a 3 row template ), u can find
blogger templates everywhere, just type in google and u have a lot to look at :D
bube07: and also how did
you make widgets on the right?
deliciouzz: bube widgets are really easy to make.
The only thing u need is a HTML code or something else. With a template with 3
rows instead of 2 is it possible to put widgets on the right and on the left. U
can edit that in blogger in layout, just create a widget, choose HTML or
Java,save it and choose the place where u wanna have it thats it.
R.I.P Chobots

October 2008 - August 2011 Tracker Tracker
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lol thx for the help :D