Rock on ! ;)
Track me :D
Fairy_x are you on ?? :)
Ziggy is back !!!!
Little where are you? :)
is yhanz online?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Hey Chos :)
i know ALOT of you waited for this day !
Ive been asked ALOT for this - so now its time :D
For what is it the time?
For new authors !
Yep authors :) we gonna add 2 more authors to this blog
and maybe its gonna be you :D
What you have to do ?
Well you just leave a comment :
with a blog-link where ur workin at ( so we can see ur work )
and then tell us why we should pick you as one of the new authors
i guess thats easy :)
fairy and me gonna choose 2 of u guys then :)
so good luck
may the best ones win :)
deli :)
i know ALOT of you waited for this day !
Ive been asked ALOT for this - so now its time :D
For what is it the time?
For new authors !
Yep authors :) we gonna add 2 more authors to this blog
and maybe its gonna be you :D
What you have to do ?
Well you just leave a comment :
with a blog-link where ur workin at ( so we can see ur work )
and then tell us why we should pick you as one of the new authors
i guess thats easy :)
fairy and me gonna choose 2 of u guys then :)
so good luck
may the best ones win :)
deli :)
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Hey x)
My name is Lambyyy.
I work at.
Many blogs.
Here the ones I own.
Reason :
I am close with Fairy and I love this blog and check it everyday :) This blog is special to me!
Hi, deli hi, fairy :)
Ich muss mir leider einen neuen Blog machen :(
aber ich versuche es so schnell wie möglich zu machen :(
haii deli & fairyy!:D
1st of all my name is susanna11 xD
This is myy blog:
I hope you´ll like it!xD
You should choose meeh cause I LoVe blogging and I LoVe your blog :]
Btw I LoVe choo too xD
So I often play it ;D
I hope you´ll choose meeeh x]
Hey Deliciouzz and Fairy_x,
I would like to become an author of this blog because:
1. I'm very good at making neat posts.
2. I love to play Chobots.
3. Even though I cannot speak German, I love playing .de, and I use a translator... So sometimes it might not be right x3
I hope I get picked :)
My name is Clubpenguin_Fan
I am a agent, I am age 424
I love to draw
Here are my blogs:
Im pretty sure that is all, thank you for doing this, i hope that this will be fair! Cya!
Hai Girls! :)
I'm so happy that you made this post, lol!
I am an agent on Chobots, and lurv it so much!
I would love to be an author on this blog, it's so awesome! The templates, the authors, the styles, it's got a great vibe!
I am currently working on my blog - which I just hired 2 new authors on. The authors on it will be rotating about every month or so, therefore everyone gets a go!
Clubpenguin_fan and I just started a blog too called, where we post all our designs and updates, that we hope are realeased in Chobots near future.
I would have plently of time to post on this blog, and it is by far my favourite moderators blog.
See you later, girls!
P.S- I am fussy about making my posts neat!
xx -smirk(:
Oh, and I just recently went all around Germany (it was absouloutely magnificent, I can tell you more if you ask :])
And I do play!
Hi deli and fairy!
Im iceyblue im a great posted on blogs and a pretty good designer! I would love to work on your blog although i don't like pink i can get used to it :P I work on my blog ( a few others and smurfets blog. Im good at grammar and i can post well, unlike other chos/people i post centered which in my opinion makes a post look neater. I can crop and tidy up pictures. I love your blog its good a great sence of style and talent :P
Hi Girlies =D
Ya both know me on cho - I'm Ebtama =D I've always liked this blog, One of my fav's. I would really love to work on this blog x] My dad even checks it(this blog) for new music - true story. Hes weird... Lol but i do it too so i guess i cant talk.
I work on my blog(my VERY OLD OLD blog..) and um. A few others :)
Ive been posting on my blog for a really long time, Well i think a year is a long time. and I will have alot of time to post on this blog while my school holidays( tomorrow YESSS!!) are on =]
I usually talk to much and stuff so ill stop. Hope i can get the part :)
Byeeeee =]
Hi deli and hi fairy again :)
My name is tinkafairy.
Iam age 35.
My Blog:
Lol its from me & from lea_star
Hi, swettie101 is mah name x)
I'm swettie101, and I'm applying to join as a author on your blog.
The reason you should pick me are as follows:
1. I had to quit chobots for a while and I need a new blog to post, yes I do have my old one how ever I feel it's time for some changes.
2. I'm very trustworthy and you can trust me to make accurate and mature post. Not any with any swears or what not.
3.I love being creative and I can make some interesting post.
4. I will do my best to post everyday. If not that every two days.
5. Just depend on me... I am someone reliable x)
This is my blog
I'm a very experience blogger and very skilled. Soo.. thank you for allowing us with the opportunity of blogging on this magnificent blog.
Haiiiii Deli and faiwy! :3
My nameeee izz Little98miss (u know the one that asks ALOT of questions? well thats me x]) ~blush~ hehe :D
okie so I have manyyyyy blogging experience,I have been blogging sence i think maybe age 100.. and i am almost 350 now :)
I have my own blog (I don't post on it sometimes becouse of personal life or blogger problem..) :)
I work on another blog :D
Sence i leaved few blogs now I can post more on both blogs (from now :D),so 1 more blog will be ok too! ^^ I will be able to post more hehe :3
I won't say how this blog is AWWWEEESOOMMIIISSSHH coz u alredy probbably know that!! O:
Okie now the reasons why i think I should be a new author:
1.I am very experienced and know how blogger works,I know everything about blogger :)
2.I know how to crop pics
3.I can make interesting contests now and then,of course with before talking to u and fairy :)
4.I can post interesting posts that chos can enjoy reading about! :)
5.As I said,i now have time to pst more so I will be able to post new updates,new stuff.. :)
6.You can always trust me and tell me anything! :)
It would be great to work with You and Fairyyy! ^^
Ty for reading! o:
~hugs~ ^^
Heya Deli and Fairy :]
I work on, My blog x3
I also would like to be an author because I have a lot of experience (since December 2009). I Also have a whopping 10 prizes on :] And just 1 on :]
On .com I have:
2 paint brushes
red rosette
bronze medal
silver medal
scrapbook medal
tv remote
On .de I have:
Deli t-shirt
Hope you pick me :]
i have 2 blogs .. 1 alone and 1 with my sis here are the links:
and with chriissiix3
i hope u like them lol. :D
~juliix3 :)
i love it to blogg lol so i have opend a 2. blog with my sis :D
and... yeah.. i'm working hard with the 2 blogs buts its really funny.. lol :D
i know they are german but i can blogg in english lol i think i've learned enough english at school ^^
thats all for now lol :)
~juliix3 (again XD) lol
My Name is chriissiix3
I work at 2 Blogs
At and :)
I can blog german but englisch too :D
your chriissiix3
Hey Deli! =D
It would be so amazingly fantastic to work on this incredible blog! There are so many things that I can bring to this blog and it would be so fantastic to be able to spice up the blog with fun and creativity.
Name: Tapity1
Age: 425
Blog/ Blogs that I work on:
Everything Chobots: (My blog)
I work on:
Robots01's blog and Dell77's Chobots blog (
Good Luck to Everyone!
You all deserve this amazing job.
Best Wishes and Hugs,
Woops, Its me Ebs again x] I forgot to mention that i have neat posts and always post the clothes updates 'n' stuff :) Also that im really interested in blogger so i would enjoy posting =]
Good baaaaaaayyyyyy =]
haha ill try do what u do =]
Hell Fairy and Deli!
Im going t keep it short and sweet as i can guess how many hours it is going to take too read all these coments! O-o
I think I should be an author of because It would be a great responsibility for me and im sure i'd love to get to know yu guys a little better! :D I have been a fan of Deliciouzz since the day I met her and NO joke, this year my Oztag name is Delicious (oztag is an Australian game that is like football but instead of tackles you pull a tag). I share a blog with Lilki who is currently on a concentration for school 'vacation' from chobots.
Yes I made the template ;)
Good luck everyone!
-Lol- (lots of love)
I mean Clubpengi not Cluboengi! xD
i forrgott a blog omg lol
here is the "freundebuch-blog"
PS: good luck to everybody ^.^
Hello its Alecwillis :)
Blog link:
You should pick me because Im trust able and I can get that job done whatever you want me to do Thanks
~Your friend Alecwillis
Hai :)
My chobot user is zoozach2 and on .de it's zoo2. I've been a big fan of chobots and I'm really great friends with tons of chobots. I think I should work on this blog because I'm a pretty trustworthy dude and I've worked on cat's blog before he deleted its posts, so I can't give work except for my planetcazmoblog and my tracker blog. and
Oh and lol, i add add add =D
I also can make blogspot layouts without artisteer and i teach lots of people tutorials on how to do that, and also how to change the header title font x] I love sharing my tutorials with everyone to learn from =]
Oi i really hope i can be an author x]
Okay baiii!!
its probably cuz.. YOU THINK YOUR COOLER THAN ME! =]
My Chobots name is Cho300. :)
I work on my own blog, :D
I think ill be a good author because i post almost everyday and post with a lot of pictures and id also use good and proper english. :)))
P.S. please consider me as you r new author
Hey, im blemblabs :)
Age: 290
Blog link:
I also work on a couple of other blogs :)
Hello, you should pick me as an author because I have a great blogging experience and good sense of grammar. I post will post about intresting things, contest, updates etc.. I am good at cropping images, making contest, and posting xD I am also a great fan of you'r blog x)
Good luck guys! :)
Hi Deli!
Wow! I'd love to be an author on your blog! :)
I have much blogging experience!
I also have Photoshop cs3 :)
My blog is and I can post quite often! ;)
I really wanna work on your blog because it'd be so much fun to work with you, fairy and the other author! :D
I am 400 days old, I am on "Agent Help Program" and I love to helo and be me! :)
It'd mean the world to me if I could work with you :)
I am a huge fan as-well! :)
I really hope you choose someone worthy to work on your brilliant blog :)
Lotsa Love,
Im Cupcakefairy
My chobot's age is: 91 days so far
I Work on:
Im very good at blogging because i won a feather for blog of the week. I love blogging and i have greaat experience of blogging. I also have correct grammer,I post daily,Im good at posting, cropping pictures and more.
I Also love this blog! My favourite colour is pink and this blog is pink, i come to this blog daily because i love this blogs and im always excited when new posts come! I'v always wanted to work on a fantastic blog like this one and this is my chance :) Im the #1 fan of this blog and i absolutely adore and love this blog! I can make intresting contest aswell. I also have heaps mroe time to post intresting posts because its holidays (yaay!)
I'v always waited until you made this post and this is my entry x)
I hope you pick me to be an author of this adorable blog.
Goodluck choosin and entering!
I' am THANSKIE, Creme.
my previous blog ish:
I want u to pick me so that
my blog experience will be
enhanced and be more great!
I have quite know about HTML's
about blogging and the center
alignment thing. I hope I will
get pick, I' am a professional
at grammar and literature. :)
well i used to work on birdplates blog but now ill be so happy to work on your deli!
here is my blog!:)
hope you like it!
ill post things every day if you cant :)
Hey aro432!here, id love to join this blog because i think its a great opportunity for me to get noticed more and id love to help out more aswell. here is the blog im currently working at, its a good blog and its even on the main blog.
Heyy! Im allstar0014.
My blog is
Here are a few blogs I work on:
I would make a great author because I play on Chobots everyday, so I now all the latest info. Also, Ive been blogging since November 2009 and have won a feather, so I am a very experienced blogger and I know how to crop pics. Also, I post about fun and interesting things. I have very original and creative contests too!
Also, I post everyday ;] and Im a huge fan of this blog!
i think i can be a good auther becues i love to post every day and i love your blog :o good luck every 1
Hi my name is yo147cp and i love ur blog!! I check it everyday!!
i am 370 days old. and I go on .de and .com ;) Good Jobb zigzag!! U desreved it ;)!!
Hi there! My name is Kaicooper :D I always look at your blog every day about 5 times, I work at
I think you should choose me because ive been blogging since i played Club penguin in 2005 and i started cho blogging when it was 2008 :) + I will post daily and as much as i possibly can like updates :)
My Chobots age is almost 650 aswell :) .
Welcome back Ziggy 2!
Kaicooper :)(:
Hello Deli!
I'm Yhanz and Here is my Blog:
I have a great passion on blogging since I've been working on blogger for around 2 years. I often go on chobots. I guess, I would like to work on this blog since I use proper grammars and I post often. You can trust me in anything, This is a great blog but i want to give my contribution to it, to make it the Best. :)
Hey deliciouzz My name is username123456
My chobots age is 515
I have experience in blogging over 1 year and my grammar is good
Hey Deli, Its 1234danny1234
well if your reading this then I would like to say I would like to join your blog, mainly because your epic, we are good friends on and, I was on your robot team, I'm close to Ezsty and fairy, I don't have a blog (I have one test blog) But I also starred in its "adora"
If you don't pick me its fine but I thought our friendship could be re-united
Ich würde auch gernme autorin werden ich habe fast imemr zeit x]
auf meinem blog kannst du sehn wie ich blogge 11
aLLEs lIebe
style_girl :D
Name: Darelnicky
Blog's that I work on;
#1) (My blog)
#2) (Smurfet's blog)
The reason why I wan't to be in this blog is becuz I love to post!! I love to make contest! I love to give people New great Idea's which flip in my mind up and down! I post daily atleast 2 time's a day!
So Ya I like to be an Author in your blog!
hey deli my blog is
and i think i should be the author cause i like to be updated all the time and like 2 make vids and discover things oh and i love makein contests and given out prizes so plzzz pick me
Name: Muttly
Age: 525
Info: i like cereal and i never get any oppotunities.
Why i deserve this: because:
A. im a kind and caring cho
B. i am here to HELP anyone
C. i never get any oppotunities like this. its allwayse the NORMAL lot who win these or get the oppotunities.
D. i like cereal
E. i have a vivid imagination
F. i can talk full english and full german! so either way im gd.
Thankieee delii =D i rlly hope i get in (which i have my doubts)
-muttly (the unluckiest chobot EVER)
oops i forgot blog: i post on lots but im kinda inactive. but i promice to post every OTHER day. (my AHP task blog)
Hello my name is idreisrocks
my blog is
i made the template but the header i havent changed due to broken header program
i try my best to post everyday but i have no time since i go on chobots alot!
i have a signature,
im good at comics (not rlly xD)
And i have TONS AND TONS AND TOOOONNNNSSSSS of blogging experince.
i hope u pick me deli and fairy.
Good luck everyone else!!
Hey its 7249 :)
My blog is
OOr :]
I really like to post. I post more on mmmm I also work for :D
I Will do anything xDDDDDDD
good luck all
I hope i get chosen :D
Helloooo this is Middnite
I work for ( No one wants me to work for their blog XDD!
I post alot! I have an addiction to smileyfaces :]
Good luck all :)
~middnite :D
Hehe, hey I'm Luvlie. :}
Well, here's my work! :]
Thats my official blog. :)
I think you should choose me because..
I know we didn't meet long ago, but we are such great friends already.
I promise, I wont let you down with my posting!
I am very responsible, and I will post everyday.
We are great friends. And well, I always try to find more ways to spend time with you. :]
I know I never told you this...
I was too embarresed...
I've always wished I was you.
I follow in your footsteps, and it would mean the world to me if you hired me at this blog.
We are great friends, right? :)
I look forward to maybe working with you!
Oh, and should we give our emails?
I wont, just incase. :]
luvlie :)
Hi deli!
I'm Parfait, I'm a new chobot but I've already made a blog that I think is pretty good x]
You should consider me to be an author of your great blog because I think I have good grammar and can post most of the time when I'm not at school.
So please consider me to be an author of your blog, it would be a great experience!
Hello Deli :DD
My name is Skett and I know you heard of me since we are friends in Cho :))
So I want to be an author in your fabulous blog because it takes hardwork and dedication to create such wonderful posts.
I am ready for this oppurtunity since I have been blogging for 2 years in different blogging systems so I am well-experienced and I don't make short cuts in words and I always make sure my spellings are all correct.
I create clean posts that are all based on one topic and its all Cho-related and I give trivias and specific facts about the topic so that the reader will know more.
As proof I have a feather and that means I'm a great blogger (as I consider myself)I know how to edit pics,crop pics properly,add widgets and edit templates.
My favorite hobbies (on Chobots) are blogging,playing chobots,and joining contests.
So for the conclusion I would like to say that I hope I will be chosen and I wish you all the very best!
P.S If you need my email I will tell you in a comment.
More Power to your blog!
I work on 3 blogs but they closed down so the previous blog I'm working on is:
So thats all :))
Well, I'll tell my e-mail just incase.
I dont mind if people send me emails.
Because this is my Chobots one, not my personal one. [;
Thats my CHOBOTS email [;
Hey deli My name is Evenence :)
And The blogs I work for are and I might become an author of! I still neeed to find out with 7249 :P I really Enjoy blogging!And i would Do Anything to become an author for more blogs ;)
Good luck to all the Other chobots :]
~ Evenence
Im Hermione123, fairly new agent on chobots :]
Reason: I want to work here because i have looked at this place since ziggy came or something, I loved this blog, i feel like i will be very happy if im working at this blog x]
i'm Stylesta from chobots.
I work on 2 blogs but my
offical blog is
Reason: I'm very good at blogging because i used to have a club penguin blog. I can make intresting posts with entertaining pictures. Right now im on spring holidays so i can post lots.
I have good grammer, I can crop and it'll be awesome experience working with you, fairy and zigzag!
I love this blog! This is my favourite blog that i'v seen so far. :)
Hey deli!!!! Will if I do become a author it will be for 7 wizards on here, and you already know enough about me. :P
But I work on now and a personal blog about me and my friends, but I am not giving that away.
I take it back.
For some reason, its not letting me get onto the AOL page on my server!
Heres another one of my emails: :)
My name is anemoni! My blog is
I soo totally should get picked to write on your blog because I love blogging and talking and playing chobots :]
I could post every day about all the updates so please pick meee :]
hello ;)
my bloglink:
see ya deli ^^
Hello Deli :)
My name is Iepure64 and I`m your friend on :)
I always wanted to work on this blog . I asked Fairy and you many times and you said you don`t need authors now.
But the author post came ;)
I worked on many blogs and I still work on them :)
My blog is
I make very good videos and I post many cool things :D
I got a feather in chobots and many chobots like my blog :)
Good luck to all :)
Hey deli,
You might still remeber me im not sure but my name on cho is lucario
A blog i made was:
I have always enjoyed blogging, i had a blog b4 but i quit it as well as this one because nobody looked at my blog when i put so much work and effort, and then i became quite upset, that why i haven't been on cho for a while, but iv'e come bac, amd i really want to be on a blog that i can actually have ppl looking at what i've done and not something that nobody bothers to look at.
Any blog that i 'auditioned' for i was rejected, and i really hope to become part of this blog...
I will post a regularly as i can, with updates and info.
I know how to crop pics, i am experienced with blogger and i would love to work with you fairy and ziggy!!
lucario (luc)
P.S Thanks deli and fairy for taking your time to read all these and giving loads of ppl this oppurtunity.
P.S.S Good luck to all =)
Hi my name is sahilsahil and i would like to be the author of this :D my blog i havent posted in a long time :/
p.s. check my older posts there some of my bes work :D
Hey Deli
I not really poupuler but i probably would because lots of people visit this blog . i would like to be a author, i think i would be more poupuler also i feel im very good at blogging well of course its up to you!
Well here is my blog link
p.s: please follow that would be great
Brilliant Blog ! =DD
So hello :)
I am Gerrard16229 and im 443 (nearly my b day xD ) I luv blogging and its really fun :D Ive been blogging since september 2009 ! And i have been waiting for this day LOL !
So i can post very good , i can crop and use lots of great effects!
I can make great contests!
And i can make COOOOOL posts!
I never post on my blog anymore so you may want to look at because i do work on there!
You may like to see some older posts on it aswell xD
Just to say.................. :DD
If i get to become a author on this blog that will be GREAT :DDD
My email is!
And i bet its a hard choice to decide the authors lol !
So i can help ya with ya blog =DD
Have a good day! :P
By the way im 9 in real,
hope i can still be a author
()_()YOU ROCK!
Heii Deli :)
I really like your blog and I have good idea´s for the Chobotsworld.
Here´s my blog:
I´d really like to write some new interesting news in your blog.
PS: I´m an agent on .de
I´m lilalady :]
Thanks :p
i would love to be author for this blog and i am sure i iwll work on this blog and post many things over here ... i work on many blogs and i post always over there ,there are no complains from the admin of the blogs tht i am not posting
blogs i work on:
these are blogs where i am admin and author and i have my own blog tht is :
i would love to post in this awesome blog and i will post in a gud grammer
if u hav choosed me then contact me through my email id :