Rock on ! ;)
Track me :D
Fairy_x are you on ?? :)
Ziggy is back !!!!
Little where are you? :)
is yhanz online?

In this Picture, Deli Finds Zig In a Dress! And you have to think of a Funny Thing They Can Say! For Example:
"Deli: Zig What are you wearing!"
"Zig: Um...This isn't Mine"
That is just a Example! Be Creative and Funny! The Winner Will Get 5000 Bugs!
Leave your Funny Captions in a Comment! :D
Good Luck! And Be Creative!

Then we drank some Basia Juice! :D

And Ghosts! Boo!
And Last But Not least, I became a Tree :D
Imagine if we were trees! I've already made Some cool Nicknames For Some Cho-Trees!
Zig The Tree
Deli The Tree
Hiki The Tree
Vampy the Tree
Vayerman The Tree
Etc.. :)
Bye Guys!
- Who is your favorite mod?
- all mods r on their own way awesome, they all do a great job and keep Chobots safe, but my personal fav. is hiki^^
y? - well shes a really funny girl, i love talkin with her :D -hugs- for hiki :)
- why she named herself deliciouzz? (Why did you pick the name Deliciouzz)
- lol good question. well i played cp before and the day i was hungry i wanted to create the name delicious, it was already taken so i tried it with z, but also taken. so i putt double z at the end and i started using it for alot game pages :)
- how did u and zig meet? :)
- meeting zig was one of the funniest things on chobots ever :D i talked to him a while and we had to laugh alot lol. i asked him if he wanted to work on my blog he said no .. yea zig u said no :,(
well after a while i noticed that zig and chow were good buddies and chow always ignored me lol .. and yea zig told chow about that and we 3 became really good buddies. then started school for chow and me and zig were alone on chobots , we used to chat every day - hour per hour lol and a friendship was "born"^^ i love talkin with zig, he always makes me laugh :D .. so i asked him again if he wanna work on my blog - this time he said yes :D .. and our friendship still goes on -hugs to my best chobots buddy- :')
- who is your fav singer?
- usually i listen ti rap and hip hop, thats my kind of music, but at the moment i listen alot rihanna songs :) i have no special fav. singer i love good music doesnt matter from who it is :)
- lol do u like cookies?
- yea! omg im so addicted to sweets lol .. my fav cookies r with choco :D
- Has Nelly ever rebelled against u?? >:D (lol)
- no, nelly is a really nice dog. she loves to be next to u and sleep or play with u .. up to her mood^^ but she was in her 7 years (yup nelly is already 7 years^^) not one day a "bad girl" :)
- Have you ever metted a mod in real life ^_^?
- u guys r curios about this i noticed alot asked that :D but i have to say, i havent met anyone yet, but i would love to, like i said everyone has his/her own way to be awesome :) im sure ill visit them someday :) or they visit me :D lol
- how did you find chobots?
- ive told u how i find the name deliciouzz out of cp and yup i was a cp player before. i always checked mimos blog for updates and stuff and one day he blogged about chobots. i loved the little aliens so i made an account. it was veeeeeeery empty on chobots so i decided not to come back (sry guys^^) after some month mimo blogged again about chobots and i remembered my account and logged in. i started to play daily and took part in earth research contest (where i mostly won ^^) and then i became addicted to chobots :D but guys u know whats really funny? - my first rain lol - i was wonderin why tshirts r falling down - lol , i saw somebody sayin click on it so i did and catched my first mod shirt :D
- Blue or Pink?!! >:D
- for sure PINK ]:D
And deli Made me A question!
- moofins or deli?^^
- Moofins of course, lolz jk How bout Deli eating a Moofin? :)
So that's it! Thanks For everybody Who Asked! Bye Guys! :D
P.s. Old Clothes and items are back! :D
I've Decided to Post in Green Cause its Spring! Anyways, There has been some awesome New (emo) hair added to the Shop/s! I'ts Kinda Girly but Its cool! Here is what it looks like:

I think its awesome! :D What do you think? Also a Bubble Suit has been added to the Crown Catalog and a Hypnotic Lollipop! (lol i hope i spelled it right)

That Lollipop makes me dizzy @.@ Anyways I like the Bubble Suit! Which is your Favorite? Also What do you think about the Blog Updates? Deli did everything! Idk how she does it! Bye Guys!

Thanks to Mite123 For the Pics! This is really cool place to hang out! And lots of parties im sure of will be here! That's all for know! Bye Guys!
Tada! What do you think? Do you like the new design? Or the Old one is better? Well Leave a comment! And be sure to vote on the Poll On the Side! Also i've noticed that lots of us don't like the new design , but i dont think it's that bad , It could be the Future chobots! (hehe) Bye Guys!

I think im gonna miss it! But oo well! :) Also I wonder if the Chobots team is gonna have the Same Winter park Next Christmas (Lol in a looong time)!
Maybe They Could keep the Chopix statue , and add a Huge santa hat on him! Bye guys!

It looks like Blue shoes has won! So , Goodbye old shoes (cries inside)! Lolz Well thanks for voting! And now i will start Wearing Blue ones! :) Bye guys!
P.s. I guess the pink ones looked to girly..
R.I.P Chobots

October 2008 - August 2011 Tracker Tracker
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- hey guys, just wanted to say im starting editing t...
- Party fun on
- New items in shop
- Caption Contest!
- Zig The Tree!
- Ask Deli 2 Awnsers!
- Rockin deli ]:D
- Ask Deli 2!
- Tracker
- New (Emo) Hair And Other Stuff! :)
- gettin ready for spring
- Happy B day!
- bad news for jessie :D
- Faces changed again
- Citizen Room!
- New Chobots Design!
- Awesome Updates!
- New Wizard Magic
- Old Park is Back!
- You voted!
- New month - new citizen items!