Rock on ! ;)
Track me :D
Fairy_x are you on ?? :)
Ziggy is back !!!!
Little where are you? :)
is yhanz online?
today i have really awesome news for you!

And the wizard brought us some really cool magic stuff!
We all love partys and we love the magic, which mods can do. Sometimes we had good weather and it starts snowing :D
Now can all which cant wait for new partys, or who wanna make a party on his own, do amazing magic tricks.
We have four kinds of mod magic, those i wanna show you now:

But the best thing is:
you not getting "just" the magic - no - you get also that cool suit AND it stays forever ! woot isnt that amazing?!
Which one you like the most?
Do you already have magic?
deli :)

Which is Your Favorite? I like the Hat) And also Some Robot Team items have been released (sorry i dont have a Pic) i think the new stuff is Great! Bye guys!
P.s. Little Post hehe)
Update by Zig : Cho-Santa is here! Collect 3 Bells for him and get a Elf suit!

wow its been a while that i posted
im so sorry for that
but in the last weeks i was so busy :/
BUT ill get u updated now ;)
There is snow in Chobots,omg how i missed the park

If u have to less bugs, then u can buy some with real money now

Thats how the catalog looks like inside

Its xmas time now and Chobots gave us some really cool background, with snow :)

Wow a pretty cool new suit but also kinda expensive
so if u have the chance to buy it - get it
its really rare ;)

also a new and expensive item are the butterfly wings
i adore those
i think i gonna buy a pair, in pink :D

also a new item is the christmas hat here
its so cute, i wonder which surprises chobots will do in the close future

u remember the new catalog in shop?
yea its not empty anymore
in this catalog u can buy now rare items for real money
so no need to wait them to rain ;)

thats how the catalog looks inside
that hat is also cute, isnt it? ^^

and yea xmas updates on are close ;)
ur deli :)

I love the new updates! And i'm still wondering what the new Catalog will be for ;) ! Maybe Head items? Well we will have to wait! And there is also new citizenship Items! They are Christmas Items! Yay!

They are Amazing! I cant wait for more surprises that The Chobots team is gonna Bring us! I wonder if there is gonnna be snow! Well we will have to wait! Bye guys!

And Canab's Hair is now For Juniors! Yay!Also The Pie Shirt has now been added to the Catalogs as well!
I love the new/old Clothes! And many old items have come back! Which is ur Favorite? I like the Big Suit! It looks warm! :D And another contest is comming up So dont get to crazy! Bye guys!

I Think its awesome! I cant Wait for the Thanksgiving Party today! Look at Chobots Official Blog For the information! So that's it! Bye guys!
P.s. New contest comming soon! :)

And also there is a new wardrobe update! Which i love! :D
So ya that's all the updates for now! And Deli is back! She was sick for a couple of days so lets all Welcome her back! :) Woot! Bye guys!
Here is Peach4244's Drawing :

Congratz Guys! i really Loved Your drawings And Everybody's Drawings too! Sorry if u didnt Win but there will be a Next contest Soon i hope! Also Winners Please Leave a comment if you want a Brush or 10,000 Bugs! Also Deli hasent been on for 3 days.. Let's hope she's ok! Bye guys!
P.s. If you didn't Win please dont get mad at me. It was a really Hard Pick.
Another Update : Winners will be posted tomorow! Sorry!
Update : Contest is now over Winners will be Posted Soon! Be Pacient please!
Hey Chobots! Me and Deli Have been Thinking about a Drawing contest! So We have Decided The Drawing contest Will Be....Draw a Robot Contest! This is how it's gonna work! Since Chobots are gonna have Robots soon.. You have to Draw a Robot!

You have to Try your best and draw the Chobots robots Or A new kind of Robots! You can draw it Underground Or if You Dont have Citizenship Or Your not a agent You can Use paint Or any other Program!
Leave a comment With a Link to the Drawing Or Send it to us Click the Contact us Widget! The Best 3 Drawings Will get a Paint Brush on Chobots! Or if you already Have Paint Brush You Will Get..(Another Paint Brush lol jk) 10,000 Bugs! So Remember Have Fun! And Good Luck!
Contest Ends Thursday , 12 of November! So Hurry Up!
Bye Guys!
All you have to do is Guess all the Agents Names! And Leave a comment! The Winner Will Recieve 2000 Bugs! So Start Guessing! hehe! And Also It's almost time for another Ask Deli!
So if You have Any Questions You wanna ask Deli Leave a comment! And remember No Innopropriate Questions! Bye guys!
whoa im still sick
i have a cold for like 2 weeks now :(
but here we go with our updates :)
first we have a new moving background
here how it gonna look like

also yesterday was the bonfire night party
so we had a new item in shop
a tnt bomb :D
its cool

also at the party we had tons of new magic
it was just awesome
but it was way to laggy so jessie gonna have part 2 another day cause it was impossible yesterday i had billions of error and later i couldnt log in at all, kinda horrible for those who waited all day :(
but i have to say
chobots made us another surprise and we got a special rain item :D

hope u can make it to part 2
it gonna rock ;)

And Also New pie Shirt! woot!

P.s. The Pie shirt is just awesome!!